Young Public School

Be honest - show kindness - respect people and property

Telephone02 6382 2453

Positive Behaviour for Learning

What is Positive Behaviour for Learning? (PBL)

PBL is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. PBL was developed in America approximately 25 years ago and is now being implemented in DoE regions across NSW & the ACT. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a comprehensive, integrated whole school approach to student wellbeing and behaviour. PBL is a process that supports school leadership teams to create positive learning environments that enable student learning and wellbeing. Positive Behaviour for Learning is an evidence-based whole school process to improve learning outcomes for all students. Young PS will be continuing to implement PBL across the entire school. It is data based and focuses on monitoring and rewarding positive school playground behaviours. These positive behaviours are identified and critically taught in line with Young PS’s core values, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & INTEGRITY. PBL is about preventing unwanted behaviours and being proactive about teaching, and students learning about acceptable playground practices.

How is PBL Implemented?

Each class at Young PS will receive explicit lessons about the correct behaviours in each location of the school. Students are then positively rewarded with ‘gold coins’ for exhibiting the correct behaviour on the playground. This promotes positive feelings and thoughts about their behaviour rather than focusing on student's ‘unwanted' behaviours. All children will be working towards whole school rewards that were chosen by the students in 2019.  

Want to find out more?

Below is a summary of our new classroom rules,  consequence chart, current reward systems, and behaviour expectations matrix. An outline of the Student Welfare Management System is also included with clear and consistent procedures when dealing with misbehaviour.


A PBL brochure containing more information can be found here

Behaviour Expectations