Parents, carers and the community help create change and help to make us who we are.
2024 Executive
President: Monique Woodward
1st Vice President: Dean Kinlyside
2nd Vice President: Doug Houston
Secretary: Codie Reynolds
Treasurer: Claire Findlay
P&C Patron: Jill Godbier
How to contact the P&C
The Young Public School P&C can be contacted the following ways:
Phone YPS Office: 02 6382 2453
Meeting dates and locations
The Young Public School P&C Meetings are held in the staffroom at 6:00pm on the second Wednesday in most months. Your attendance at these meetings is most welcome.
If you are unable to attend a meeting, there are other ways to become involved with the P&C activities. Please contact us to find out how.
Volunteering with the YPS P&C can be very rewarding, not to mention the excitement when your children see you helping out at school events.
There are a number of ways you can become involved:
YPS P&C Committee
The P&C Committee is made up of an Executive (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer) and committee members. The committee is formed for the benefit of the pupils and strives to:
- Participate as much as possible in the activities of the school and communicate with all members of the school community
- Cooperate in the activities of the Federation of P&C Association of NSW and its Regional and District Councils, and
- Promote the interest of public education
The committee meetings are a great forum to discuss topics raised by parents, teachers and what’s happening at the school presented by the principal. The question is, what can you do to best support the overall success of Young Public School. The end goal is the education of YPS students and how the committee can best contribute to this success.
Fundraising Activities
There are a number of fundraising activities that the P&C runs each term or annually. We rely on parents to help coordinate and manage the activities and/or events. The money raised goes towards purchasing new resources and equipment for our children to enhance their learning and time at Young Public School. If you would like to be part of these activities or wish to put forward ideas to help our fundraising efforts, we would love to hear from you.