Over the course of the year, we will discuss new learning dispositions.
Classes will be introduced to the learning disposition and superhero, and students will begin to understand how we are using our superpowers to be visible learners.
Thank you to Young North Public School for collaborating with us throughout this project.
The Challenge Taker
As a Young Public Challenge Taker,
I want to try new things, have a go and not give up
I am resilient
I persevere
I take risks and learn from my mistakes
I set challenging goals to extend my learning
I bounce back
I try new strategies
The Challenge Taker
The Thinker
As a Young Public Thinker,
I am a curious, engaged and motivated learner
I reflect on my learning
I am inquisitive
I ask meaningful questions
I make connections to previous learning
I develop and organise information to develop my understanding
I use the language of learning
The Thinker
The Innovator
As a Young Public Innovator,
I am motivated to explore, experiment and explain original ideas
I ask questions and inquire
I see mistakes as an opportunity to learn
I find new solutions and strategies
I form new and original ideas
I experiment, investigate and research to build new understanding
I can demonstrate my learning in a variety of different ways
I use new language to describe my learning
The Innovator
The Self-Regulator
As a Young Public Self-Regulator,
I am responsible for my learning, behaviour, and equipment
I use my initiative
I manage my self
I share responsibility for my learning
I can self-assess
I seek feedback to improve my learning
I have a growth mindset
I set goals for my own learning
I am a problem solver
The Self-Regulator
The Collaborator
As a Young Public School Collaborator,
I work effectively with others to achieve goals
I contribute co-operatively and actively participate to achieve a goal
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